Municipal Renovations Committee
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Torrington City Hall, 6:30 PM Personnel Conference Room T-1
Members in Attendance: Ed Cook, Dr. Isadore Temkin, Michael Clark, Alan Zordan, Bill Hill, Mayor Ryan Bingham. Others in Attendance: Steven Nocera, Mayoral Aide, Jerry Rollett, Public Works Director, Brian Solywoda; Glenn Yeakel, David Friar, Friar Associates, Bob Prentis, O&G Industries.
- Minutes of MRC Meeting of November 19, 2009 were approved on a motion by Mayor Bingham seconded by Ed Cook.
- Overview of project construction status and three week look ahead: Mr. Prentis stated that bathroom fixtures would begin to be installed on the third floor beginning the first week in February. Chilled beam installation is complete on floor 3, and will be completed on 2 within two weeks. Marble restoration and polishing is ongoing on all floors and will continue for the next five weeks. Drywall is complete on floors 2 and 3 and will be completed on floor 1 by the third week in January. Plaster repair is nearly complete on all floors. Finish painting is nearly complete on the third and second floors. Window trimming is slightly behind schedule and is due for completion by the third week in January. The Traffic Building TCO will be sought by January 18.
- Presentation of Final Updates to Veterans Memorial: Glenn Yeakel stated that the Veterans Memorial final revisions had been submitted and were in the process of cost adjustments, both credit and charges. He presented samples of actual etching on granite which will be used in the area and military emblems to be etched on the corridor approach to the Memorial. He stated that Friar continues to review, approve and/or change designs as work progresses and as needed. He stated that the project is entering into a very “fussy” phase where all finishing is being started and will be highly visible in the finished product.
- Opinion of Project Status – Brian Solywoda stated that the project was proceeding efficiently, ahead of schedule and at a very high quality level. He attributed that performance to the quality of the contractors on the project and the professional management of O&G management of the project. Mr. Hill stated that he agreed that the project was being managed and constructed in a quality matter. He mentioned that he is currently reviewing project change order expenses, and feels that the projected completion schedule is attainable.
- Overview of continuing work of the MRC, to include the move back to 140 Main Street. Mr. Clark stated that there were now only 113 days remaining until the move back into City Hall would begin. He stated that the MRC would once again take a prominent role in the final stages of the project. He stated that the following areas would be addressed in the next several weeks:
- Review of disposition of records and pieces in storage at Field Street
- Identification of pieces to be left at Field Street
- Disposition of goods being left at Field street
- Moving Bid Preparation – advertise 3.18.10
- Walk Through & Questions – 3.25.10 Bid Opening – 4.14.10
- Bid Award – 4.21.10
- Maintain Running Analysis of Budget Status
- Plan Dedication Ceremony of City Hall Reopening
- Plan Dedication of Veterans Memorial
- Other Business: Mr. Cook stated that he had presented the plan for restoration of front lighting fixtures to Turri Electric for their review and comments. He requested that Friar Associates develop the design for the sidewalks in front of and alongside TCH, for review by the MRC and pricing through O&G.
10. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 on a motion by Mr. Hill seconded by Mr. Clark.
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